選手村風雲人物是喬科維奇 球王成東奧最夯合照吉祥物

<p>Tennis star Novak Djokovic has become the selfie king and most one of the most popular athletes in the Olympics village. (Photos courtesy of @seymaecran/Instagram and @DjokerNole/Twitter)</p>

Tennis star Novak Djokovic has become the selfie king and most one of the most popular athletes in the Olympics village. (Photos courtesy of @seymaecran/Instagram and @DjokerNole/Twitter)

【看CP學英文】 世界球王喬科維奇 (Novak Djokovic) 輝煌的職業生涯長達18年,球場上利落的球技總讓他成為全場的焦點,但樹大招風,球場上表現再好也難免逃不過一些爭議跟輿論。

Reigning world tennis champion Novak Djokovic has certainly seen his fair share of glamor and controversies on the court in his illustrious professional career of 18 years.


Off the court, however, he is a superstar who sweeps everyone around him off their feet, which is what he’s been doing at the recent 2020 Tokyo Olympics.


The 34-year old is currently representing his home country Serbia in the Olympics and appears to be a great hit among elite athletes from all around the world.


Or at least so it appears on social media.

印度羽球健將塞·帕拉內斯(Sai Praneeth)最近在推特上(@saiprneeth92) 秀出與喬科維奇的自拍合照,推文還稱兩人合影是「今日最佳合照」。

Indian shuttler Sai Praneeth (@saiprneeth92) recently took to Twitter to show off a selfie of him and Djokovic, with the caption “pic of the day”.

土耳其女排選手謝伊瑪·厄爾坎(Seyma Ercan)也在 IG 限時動態 (@seymaercan) 上發佈照片,只見合照裡兩人笑眼彎彎,完全沒了球場上的氣勢,厄爾坎還稱喬科維奇是「傳奇人物」。

Seyma Ercan from the Turkish volleyball team also posted a photo of her and Djokovic on her Instagram Story (@seymaercan) while proclaiming the tennis star a “legend”.

Seyma Ercan from the Turkish volleyball team also posted a photo of her and Djokovic on her Instagram story. (Photo courtesy of @seymaercan/Instagram)
Seyma Ercan from the Turkish volleyball team also posted a photo of her and Djokovic on her Instagram story. (Photo courtesy of @seymaercan/Instagram)

其中反應最大的應該是德國隊的柔道選手喬凡娜·史柯奇瑪羅 (Giovanna Scoccimarro),她在跟喬帥合照後興奮地跑向隊友瑪提娜·特拉賈多斯 (Martyna Trajdos, @martyna_trajdos) ,跑一跑還跳了起來,少女般的舉動全被隊友拍下來上傳到IG。

The most star-struck of them all appears to be German judo athlete Giovanna Scoccimarro, who was caught leaping up and down in joy and running towards teammate Martyna Trajdos on the latter’s Instagram (@martyna_trajdos) like a fangirl after taking a selfie with the tennis champion.

Screengrab of Giovanna Scoccimarro running away in delight after her selfie with Djokovic. (Photos courtesy of Giovanna Scoccimarro, Martyna Trajdos/ Instagram)
Screengrab of Giovanna Scoccimarro running away in delight after her selfie with Djokovic. (Photos courtesy of Giovanna Scoccimarro, Martyna Trajdos/ Instagram)

球王本人也不吝與 1770萬名IG和推特粉絲分享自己和其他奧運選手的互動。

Djokovic himself is not shy to share his interactions with fellow Olympic athletes with his 17.7 million followers on Twitter and Instagram.

他於7月24日在這兩個社群媒體平台上發了兩張照片,照片裡他和比利時體操選手妮娜·德威爾(Nina Derwael) 和梅莉瑟·布拉薩特(Maellyse Brassart)一起在劈腿拉筋,看上去絲毫不費吹灰之力。

The No.1 seeder took to both platforms on July 24 to post two photos of him doing the splits rather effortlessly with Belgian artistic gymnasts Nina Derwael and Maellyse Brassart.


With his svelte figure, perfect posture, and arms raised high in the air, Djokovic blends right in with the gymnasts.


An Instagram user jokingly commented that the picture depicts “Team Belgium gymnastics athletes and their coach.”

就連奧運官方 IG 帳號也對喬科維奇的柔軟度讚歎連綿,並表示:「哇塞,喬科真靈活!」

The official Olympics Instagram account also had praised Djokovovic’s flexibility in the comment section, adding “ Wow Djoko, what mobility you have! ”

看來大家似乎已漸漸忘記喬帥在過去一年裡所惹出的各種事端,包括在一場比賽過後,隨意把球打向場邊卻不小心擊中線審而在2020 美網失格出局。

It seems that Djokovic’s recent controversies in the past year, including being disqualified from the US Open 2020 after a ball that he slapped away in frustration hit the throat of a line judge, have long been forgotten by the masses.


He continues to charm legions of fans and is making a name for himself as possibly the “prom king” in the Olympic village!


Whether or not he brings home a gold medal for Serbia, Djokovic certainly ranks gold in the hearts of many Olympic athletes.

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