Denver Broncos

Denver Broncos

 | 10-7
  • 傳球碼數
    212.4 PYPG
  • 衝球碼數
    112.2 RYPG
  • 每場碼數
    324.6 YPG
WRSigned (The Denver Broncos signed WR Michael Bandy to future contracts for 2025.)
TESigned (The Denver Broncos signed TE Thomas Yassmin to future contracts for 2025 season.)
DESigned (The Denver Broncos signed DE Matt Henningsen to future contracts for 2025 season.)
OGSigned (The Denver Broncos signed OG Calvin Throckmorton to future contracts for 2025 season.)
OGSigned (The Denver Broncos signed OG Nick Gargiulo to future contracts for 2025 season.)
CBSigned (The Denver Broncos signed CB Reese Taylor to future contracts for 2025 season.)
OLBSigned (The Denver Broncos signed OLB Andrew Farmer to future contracts for 2025 season.)
LBSigned (The Denver Broncos signed LB K.J. Cloyd to future contracts for 2025 season.)
DBSigned (The Denver Broncos signed DB Keidron Smith to future contracts for 2025 season.)
OLSigned (The Denver Broncos signed OL Will Sherman to future contracts for 2025 season.)
WRSigned (The Denver Broncos signed WR A.T. Perry to future contracts for 2025 season.)
CBSigned (The Denver Broncos signed CB Quinton Newsome to future contracts for 2025 season.)
OGPract. squad add (The Denver Broncos assigned OG Nick Gargiulo to the practice squad.)
NTSigned (The Denver Broncos signed NT Jordan Miller to future contracts for 2025 season.)
SSigned (The Denver Broncos signed SAF Tanner McCallister to future contracts for 2025 season.)
OGActivated (The Denver Broncos elevated OG Nick Gargiulo to the active roster.)
OTReserve/non football injury (The Denver Broncos placed OT Frank Crum on the Non football injured list.)
RBActivated (The Denver Broncos activated RB Tyler Badie from the IRD.)
DEActivated (The Denver Broncos elevated DL Matt Henningsen to the active roster from the practice squad.)
DEPract. squad add (The Denver Broncos assigned DE Matt Henningsen to the practice squad.)
WRPract. squad add (The Denver Broncos assigned WR David Sills V to the practice squad.)
DEActivated (The Denver Broncos elevated LB Matt Henningsen from the practice squad.)
WRActivated (The Denver Broncos elevated WR David Sills from the practice squad.)
RBSigned (The Denver Broncos signed RB Blake Watson from the practice squad.)
CBWaived (The Denver Broncos waived CB Levi Wallace.)
RBPlaced on Injured Reserve, Designated for Return (The Denver Broncos placed RB Tyler Badie on the IRD list.)
DEPract. squad add (The Denver Broncos assigned DE Matt Henningsen to the practice squad.)
RBPract. squad add (The Denver Broncos assigned RB Blake Watson to the practice squad.)
RBActivated (The Denver Broncos elevated RB Blake Watson to the active roster from the practice squad.)
DEActivated (The Denver Broncos elevated DE Matt Henningsen to the active roster from the practice squad.)
CBPract. squad add (The Denver Broncos assigned CB Reese Taylor to the practice squad.)
OGPract. squad add (The Denver Broncos assigned OG Nick Gargiulo to the practice squad.)
OGActivated (The Denver Broncos elevated OG Nick Gargiulo to the active roster.)
CBActivated (The Denver Broncos elevated CB Reese Taylor to the active roster.)
LBPract. squad add (The Denver Broncos signed LB K.J. Cloyd to the practice squad.)
WRClaimed (The Jacksonville Jaguars claimed WR Josh Reynolds off waivers.)
OGPract. squad add (The Denver Broncos assigned OG Nick Gargiulo to the practice squad.)
WRWaived Injury (The Denver Broncos waived WR Josh Reynolds due to injury.)
OGActivated (The Denver Broncos elevated OG Nick Gargiulo to the active roster.)
LBClaimed (The Detroit Lions claimed LB Kwon Alexander from the Denver Broncos' practice squad.)
OGPract. squad add (The Denver Broncos signed OG Calvin Throckmorton to the practice squad.)
LBActivated (The Denver Broncos elevated LB Zach Cunningham to the active roster from the practice squad.)
OGWaived (The Denver Broncos waived G Calvin Throckmorton.)
TEClaimed (The New York Giants claimed TE Greg Dulcich off waivers.)
LBActivated (The Denver Broncos activated LB Drew Sanders from the PUP list.)
TEWaived (The Denver Broncos waived TE Greg Dulcich.)
OGActivated (The Denver Broncos elevated G Nick Gargiulo to the active roster from the practice squad.)
LBActivated (The Denver Broncos elevated LB Zach Cunningham to the active roster from the practice squad.)
DBPract. squad add (The Denver Broncos assigned DB Keidron Smith to the practice squad.)
LBPract. squad add (The Denver Broncos assigned LB Zach Cunningham to the practice squad.)
DBActivated (The Denver Broncos elevated DB Keidron Smith to the active roster from the practice squad.)
LBActivated (The Denver Broncos elevated LB Zach Cunningham to the active roster from the practice squad.)
DBPract. squad add (The Denver Broncos signed DB Keidron Smith to the practice squad.)
WRPlaced on Injured Reserve, Designated for Return (The Denver Broncos placed WR Josh Reynolds on IRD.)
FBActivated (The Denver Broncos elevated FB Michael Burton to the active squad from the practice squad.)
DBWaived (The Denver Broncos waived DB Keidron Smith.)
LBPract. squad add (The Denver Broncos assigned LB Zach Cunningham to the practice squad.)
FBPract. squad add (The Denver Broncos assigned FB Michael Burton to the practice squad.)
LBActivated (The Denver Broncos elevated LB Zach Cunningham to the active roster.)
FBActivated (The Denver Broncos elevated FB Michael Burton to the active roster.)
CActivated (The Denver Broncos activated C Luke Wattenberg from the IRD.)
OLBTraded (The Denver Broncos traded OLB Baron Browning to the Arizona Cardinals.)
FBActivated (The Denver Broncos elevated FB Michael Burton to the active roster.)
LBActivated (The Denver Broncos elevated LB Kwon Alexander to the active roster.)
FBPract. squad add (The Denver Broncos signed FB Michael Burton to the practice squad.)
FBReleased (The Denver Broncos released FB Michael Burton.)
OGActivated (The Denver Broncos elevated OG Calvin Throckmorton to the active roster from the practice squad.)
SPlaced on Injured Reserve, Designated for Return (The Denver Broncos placed SAF Delarrin Turner-Yell on IRD.)
OGActivated (The Denver Broncos elevated OG Calvin Throckmorton to the active roster.)
LBActivated (The Denver Broncos elevated LB Kwon Alexander to the active roster.)
OLReleased (The Denver Broncos released C Dieter Eiselen.)
LBPract. squad add (The Denver Broncos assigned LB Kwon Alexander to the practice squad.)
OGPract. squad add (The Denver Broncos assigned OG Calvin Throckmorton to the practice squad.)
RBPract. squad add (The Denver Broncos signed RB Blake Watson to the practice squad.)
OLBActivated (The Denver Broncos activated OLB Baron Browning from IRD.)
OGActivated (The Denver Broncos elevated OG Calvin Throckmorton to the active roster from the practice squad.)
RBWaived (The Denver Broncos waived RB Blake Watson.)
LBActivated (The Denver Broncos elevated LB Kwon Alexander to the active roster from the practice squad.)
SPract. squad add (The Denver Broncos signed SAF Tanner McCalister to the practice squad.)
TActivated (The Denver Broncos activated T Mike McGlinchey from IRD.)
CBActivated (The Denver Broncos activated CB Damarri Mathis from IRD.)
SWaived (The Denver Broncos waived SAF Tanner McCalister.)
LBReleased (The Denver Broncos released LB Kristian Welch.)
OLBPlaced on Injured Reserve, Designated for Return (The Denver Broncos placed OLB Baron Browning on the iRD.)
TPlaced on Injured Reserve, Designated for Return (The Denver Broncos placed T Mike McGlinchey on the IRD.)
OGPract. squad add (The Denver Broncos assigned OG Calvin Throckmorton to the practice squad.)
CBPract. squad add (The Denver Broncos signed CB Quinton Newsome to the practice squad.)
TPract. squad add (The Denver Broncos assigned T Cam Fleming to the practice squad.)
SActivated (The Denver Broncos elevated SAF Tanner McCalister to the active roster.)
CPlaced on Injured Reserve (The Denver Broncos placed C Luke Wattenberg on the IR.)
TActivated (The Denver Broncos elevated T Cameron Fleming from the practice squad.)
OGActivated (The Denver Broncos elevated OG Calvin Throckmorton to the active roster.)
WRPlaced on Injured Reserve (The Denver Broncos placed WR Josh Reynolds on the IR.)
RBActivated (The Denver Broncos activated RB Audric Estime from the IRD.)
OLReleased (The Denver Broncos released OL Will Sherman.)
CBPlaced on Injured Reserve, Designated for Return (The Denver Broncos placed CB Damarri Mathis on IRD.)
WRPract. squad add (The Denver Broncos signed WR A.T. Perry to the practice squad.)
RBPlaced on Injured Reserve, Designated for Return (The Denver Broncos placed RB Audric Estime on IRD.)
LBSigned (The Denver Broncos signed LB Levelle Bailey to the active roster from the practice squad.)
OLPlaced on Injured Reserve (The Denver Broncos placed OL Will Sherman on IR.)
CBReleased (The Denver Broncos released CB Quinton Newsome.)
TPract. squad add (The Denver Broncos signed T Cam Fleming to the practice squad.)
RBReleased (The Denver Broncos released RB Salvon Ahmed.)
OLPract. squad add (The Denver Broncos signed OL Dieter Eiselen to the practice squad.)
WRPract. squad add (The Denver Broncos signed WR Kaden Davis to the practice squad.)
LBPract. squad add (The Denver Broncos assigned LB Levelle Bailey to the practice squad.)
RBPlaced on Injured Reserve (The Denver Broncos placed RB Tyler Badie on the IR.)
LBActivated (The Denver Broncos elevated ILB Levelle Bailey from the practice squad.)
RBPract. squad add (The Denver Broncos signed RB Salvon Ahmed to the practice squad.)
WRReleased (The Denver Broncos released WR Kaden Davis.)
SPract. squad add (The Denver Broncos assigned S Tanner McCalister to the practice squad.)
LBPract. squad add (The Denver Broncos assigned LB Levelle Bailey to the practice squad.)
SActivated (The Denver Broncos elevated DB Tanner McCalister from the practice squad.)
LBActivated (The Denver Broncos elevated LB Levelle Bailey from the practice squad.)
LBPract. squad add (The Denver Broncos signed LB Zach Cunningham to the practice squad.)
LBPract. squad add (The Denver Broncos signed LB Kwon Alexander to the practice squad.)
RBSigned (The Denver Broncos signed RB Tyler Badie to the active roster from the practice squad.)
LBPlaced on Injured Reserve (The Denver Broncos placed ILB Alex Singleton on IR.)
SPract. squad add (The Denver Broncos signed SAF Tanner McCalister to the practice squad.)
RBPract. squad add (The Denver Broncos signed RB Tyler Badie to the practice squad.)
SActivated (The Denver Broncos elevated SAF Tanner McCalister from the practice squad.)
OLBPlaced on Injured Reserve (The Denver Broncos placed OLB Baron Browning on the IR.)
WRSigned (The Denver Broncos signed WR Lil'Jordan Humphrey to the active roster.)
RBActivated (The Denver Broncos elevated RB Tyler Badie from the practice squad.)
TPlaced on Injured Reserve (The Denver Broncos placed T Mike McGlinchey on IR.)
OLBActivated (The Denver Broncos elevated OLB Dondrea Tillman from the practice squad.)
OLBPract. squad add (The Denver Broncos signed OLB Andrew Farmer II to the practice squad.)
OLBReleased (The Denver Broncos released OLB Ronnie Perkins.)
RBActivated (The Denver Broncos elevated RB Tyler Badie from the practice squad.)
WRActivated (The Denver Broncos elevated WR Lil'Jordan Humphrey from the practice squad.)
FBActivated (The Denver Broncos elevated FB Michael Burton to the active roster from the practice squad.)
WRPract. squad add (The Denver Broncos signed WR Kaden Davis to the practice squad.)
RBPlaced on Injured Reserve (The Denver Broncos placed RB Audric Estime on IR.)
WRActivated (The Denver Broncos elevated WR Lil'Jordan Humphrey to the active roster from the practice squad.)
FBActivated (The Denver Broncos elevated FB Michael Burton to the active roster from the practice squad.)
LBSigned (The Denver Broncos signed LB Levelle Bailey to the practice squad.)
TEPract. squad add (The Denver Broncos signed TE Donald Parham Jr. to the practice squad.)
LBWaived (The Denver Broncos waived LB Denver Broncos.)
LBSigned (The Denver Broncos signed LB Kristian Welch.)
CBSigned (The Denver Broncos signed CB Reese Taylor to the practice squad.)
NTSigned (The Denver Broncos signed NT Jordan Miller to the practice squad.)
TESigned (The Denver Broncos signed TE Thomas Yassmin to the practice squad.)
RBPract. squad add (The Denver Broncos signed RB Tyler Badie to the practice squad.)
OTClaimed (The New England Patriots claimed T Demontrey Jacobs off waivers.)
SSigned (The Denver Broncos signed S Tanner McCalister to the practice squad.)
OGSigned (The Denver Broncos signed OG Nick Gargiulo to the practice squad.)
WRSigned (The Denver Broncos signed WR Michael Bandy to the practice squad.)
OLBSigned (The Denver Broncos signed OLB Dondrea Tillman to the practice squad.)
OLSigned (The Denver Broncos signed OG Will Sherman to the practice squad.)
WRPract. squad add (The Denver Broncos signed WR David Sills to the practice squad.)
FBSigned (The Denver Broncos signed FB Michael Burton to the practice squad.)
WRSigned (The Denver Broncos signed WR Lil'Jordan Humphrey to the practice squad.)
OGSigned (The Denver Broncos signed OG Calvin Throckmorton to the practice squad.)
CBSigned (The Denver Broncos signed CB Quinton Newsome to the practice squad.)
DESigned (The Denver Broncos signed DE Matt Henningsen to the practice squad.)
WRReleased (The Denver Broncos released WR Lil'Jordan Humphrey.)
CReleased (The Denver Broncos released C Sam Mustipher.)
CBWaived (The Denver Broncos waived CB Quinton Newsome.)
OLWaived (The Denver Broncos waived OG Will Sherman.)
WRReleased (The Denver Broncos released WR David Sills.)
DEWaived Injury (The Denver Broncos waived OLB Durell Nchami due to injury.)
OLBWaived (The Denver Broncos waived OLB Dondrea Tillman.)
SWaived (The Denver Broncos waived SAF Tanner McCalister.)
FBReleased (The Denver Broncos released FB Michael Burton.)
OGReleased (The Denver Broncos released OG Calvin Throckmorton.)
PWaived (The Denver Broncos waived P Trenton Gill.)
OTWaived (The Denver Broncos waived T Demontrey Jacobs.)
DLWaived (The Denver Broncos waived DE Elijah Garcia.)
OGWaived (The Denver Broncos waived OG Nick Gargiulo.)
WRWaived (The Denver Broncos waived WR Jalen Virgil.)
CBWaived (The Denver Broncos waived CB Reese Taylor.)
DEWaived (The Denver Broncos waived DE Matt Henningsen.)
TEWaived (The Denver Broncos waived TE Thomas Yassmin.)
TEWaived (The Denver Broncos waived TE Hunter Kampmoyer.)
CBReleased (The Denver Broncos released CB K'Waun Williams.)
RBReleased (The Denver Broncos released RB Dwayne Washington.)
OLBWaived (The Denver Broncos waived OLB Thomas Incoom.)
WRWaived (The Denver Broncos waived WR Brandon Johnson.)
RBWaived (The Denver Broncos waived RB Tyler Badie.)
WRWaived (The Denver Broncos waived WR Michael Bandy.)
LBReleased (The Denver Broncos released LB Jonas Griffith.)
RBReleased (The Denver Broncos released RB Samaje Perine.)
CBPlaced on Injured Reserve, Designated for Return (The Denver Broncos placed CB Damarri Mathis on IRD.)
WRReleased (The Denver Broncos released WR Tim Patrick.)
NTWaived (The Denver Broncos waived NT Jordan Miller.)
OLWaived (The Denver Broncos waived OL Oliver Jervis.)
WRReleased (The Denver Broncos released WR Phillip Dorsett.)
CBWaived (The Denver Broncos waived DB Kaleb Hayes.)
SWaived (The Denver Broncos waived S Omar Brown.)
LBWaived (The Denver Broncos waived LB Alec Mock.)
LBReleased (The Denver Broncos released LB Andre Smith.)
CBWaived (The Denver Broncos waived CB Art Green.)
DLReleased (The Denver Broncos released DL Angelo Blackson.)
OLBWaived Injury (The Denver Broncos waived OLB Jaylon Allen due to injury.)
LBSigned (The Denver Broncos signed LB Alec Mock.)
LBWaived (The Denver Broncos waived LB Alec Mock.)
CBClaimed (The Denver Broncos claimed DB Kaleb Hayes off waivers.)
OLBPlaced on Injured Reserve (The Denver Broncos placed DE Ronnie Perkins on the IR.)
LBSigned (The Denver Broncos signed LB Alec Mock.)
OLBWaived Injury (The Denver Broncos waived OLB Ronnie Perkins due to injury.)
SClaimed (The Carolina Panthers claimed S Caden Sterns off waivers.)
SReleased (The Denver Broncos released S Caden Sterns.)
DLActivated (The Denver Broncos activated DL Eyioma Uwazurike from suspension.)
TESigned (The Denver Broncos signed TE Hunter Kampmoyer.)
DTWaived (The Denver Broncos waived DT Brandon Matterson.)
TPlaced on Injured Reserve (The Denver Broncos placed T Quinn Bailey on IR.)
OLSigned (The Denver Broncos signed OL Oliver Jervis.)
RBActivated (The Denver Broncos activated RB Blake Watson from the the Non-football injury list.)
SPlaced on PUPL (The Denver Broncos placed SAF Delarrin Turner-Yell on the PUP list.)
LBPlaced on PUPL (The Denver Broncos placed LB Drew Sanders on the PUP list.)
RBReserve/non football injury (The Denver Broncos placed RB Blake Watson on the Non-football injury list.)
LBWaived (The Denver Broncos waived LB Alec Mock.)
OLBSigned (The Denver Broncos signed OLB Dondrea Tillman.)
OLReleased (The Denver Broncos released OL Joe Bryson.)
QBReleased (The Denver Broncos released QB John Matocha.)
CBReleased (The Denver Broncos released Eddie Heckard.)
KReleased (The Denver Broncos released K Camden Lewis.)
LSReleased (The Denver Broncos released Nick D'Ambra.)
OLBReleased (The Denver Broncos released DT Dondrea Tillman.)
LBReleased (The Denver Broncos released LB Chris Chukwuneke.)
CBReleased (The Denver Broncos released Caleb Nelson.)
OLReleased (The Denver Broncos released OL Oliver Jervis.)
OLBSigned (The Denver Broncos signed DT Dondrea Tillman.)
TEWaived Injury (The Denver Broncos waived TE Dylan Leonard due to injury.)
LBSigned (The Denver Broncos signed LB Andre Smith.)
LBDeclared Free Agent (LB Ben Niemann declared free agency.)
WRSigned (The Denver Broncos signed WR Troy Franklin.)
PSigned (The Denver Broncos signed P Trenton Gill.)
SReleased (The Denver Broncos released S Cam Allen.)
WRSigned (The Denver Broncos signed WR Phillip Dorsett.)
PReleased (The Denver Broncos released P Nik Constantinou.)
WRSigned (The Denver Broncos signed WR Phillip Dorsett.)
WRReleased (The Denver Broncos released WR Lincoln Victor.)
NTReleased (The Denver Broncos released DT Rashard Lawrence.)
WRReleased (Th3e Denver Broncos released WR Phillip Dorsett.)
QBSigned (The Denver Broncos signed QB Bo Nix.)
SSigned (The Denver Broncos signed S Cam Allen.)
PSigned (The Denver Broncos signed P Nik Constantinou.)
QBReleased (The Denver Broncos released QB Ben DiNucci.)
CBSigned (The Denver Broncos signed CB Eddie Heckard.)
LBSigned (The Denver Broncos signed LB Chris Chukwuneke.)
OLSigned (The Denver Broncos signed OL Joe Bryson.)
QBSigned (The Denver Broncos signed QB John Matocha.)
OLSigned (The Denver Broncos signed OL Oliver Jervis.)
SSigned (The Denver Broncos signed CB Omar Brown.)
TESigned (The Denver Broncos signed TE Dylan Leonard.)
TESigned (The Denver Broncos signed TE Thomas Yassmin.)
OTSigned (The Denver Broncos signed T Frank Crum.)
CBSigned (The Denver Broncos signed CB Quinton Newsome.)
NTSigned (The Denver Broncos signed Jordan Miller)
OLBSigned (The Denver Broncos signed DL Jaylon Allen.)
KSigned (The Denver Broncos signed Camden Lewis.)
WRSigned (The Denver Broncos signed WR Lincoln Victor.)
LBSigned (The Denver Broncos signed LB Levelle Bailey.)
CBSigned (The Denver Broncos signed S Caleb Nelson.)
RBSigned (The Denver Broncos signed RB Blake Watson)
DTSigned (The Denver Broncos signed IDL Brandon Matterson.)
LSSigned (The Denver Broncos signed LS Nick D'Ambra.)
LBSigned (The Denver Broncos signed LB Alec Mock.)
DLTraded (The New York Jets traded DE John Franklin-Myers to the Denver Broncos.)
CBSigned (The Denver Broncos signed CB Levi Wallace.)
QBTraded (The New York Jets traded QB Zach Wilson to the Denver Broncos.)
DLSigned (The Denver Broncos signed DT Angelo Blackson.)
CSigned (The Denver Broncos signed C Sam Mustipher.)
DTSigned (The Washington Commanders signed DL Haggai Ndubuisi.)
OGSigned (The Denver Broncos signed OL Calvin Throckmorton.)
WRSigned (The Denver Broncos signed WR Josh Reynolds.)
TSigned (The Denver Broncos signed T Matt Peart.)
LBSigned (The Denver Broncos signed LB Cody Barton.)
TEDeclared Free Agent (TE Adam Trautman elected free agency.)
LBDeclared Free Agent (LB Josey Jewell elected free agency.)
DTSigned (The Denver Broncos signed DT Malcolm Roach.)
KDeclared Free Agent (K Wil Lutz elected free agency.)
CDeclared Free Agent (OC Lloyd Cushenberry III elected free agency.)
SSigned (The Denver Broncos signed S Brandon Jones.)
KRe-signed (The Denver Broncos re-signed K Wil Lutz.)
WRTraded (The Denver Broncos traded WR Jerry Jeudy to the Cleveland Browns.)
TEReleased (The Broncos released TE Chris Manhertz.)
SReleased (The Denver Broncos released S Justin Simmons.)
QBReleased (The Denver Broncos released QB Russell Wilson.)