Driver on Laughing Gas Jailed for Killing Friends in 100 MPH Crash

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A 19-year-old who crashed his car while driving under the influence of nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, last year, killing three of his friends, has been jailed.Thames Valley Police said Thomas Johnson, 19, who pleaded guilty to the offences, was jailed for nine years and four months and was disqualified from driving for 11 years and 11 weeks.Footage released by police shows Johnson inhaling nitrous oxide from a balloon while driving his car at high speeds on the night of June 19-20, 2023. The three other occupants of the car were Elliot Pullen, who was 17; and Ethan Goddard and Daniel Hancock, who were both 18.Evidence showed that Johnson drove at speeds approaching 100 mph.After midnight, Johnson overtook a vehicle at high speed before losing control of his car and colliding with a lamppost, a stone wall, and then a large tree. The car’s three passengers were killed.Johnson survived the collision, despite being critically injured. The Independent reported that Johnson had to be placed in an induced come after having suffered traumatic brain injuries, a collapsed lung, cracked ribs, permanent loss of sight in one eye, and a facial disfiguration. Credit: Thames Valley Police via Storyful