Study Finds More Time on Land Increases Starvation Risk for Polar Bears

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A recent study of polar bears’ energetic and behavioral strategies during their time spent on land during ice-free periods indicates that more time on land increases their risk of starvation.The United States Geological Survey (USGS) conducted the research in Manitoba, Canada, on 20 polar bears for periods of between 19 and 23 days in August and September 2019-2022.The USGS used GPS-equipped video camera collars with tri-axial accelerometers to determine diet, activity, behavior, and movement rates.This video shows the bears in various activities, such as feeding, swimming and resting.The study concluded that, “Although polar bears on land exhibit remarkable behavioral plasticity, our findings reinforce the risk of starvation, particularly in subadults, with forecasted increases in the onshore period.” Credit: USGS / Washington State University via Storyful