Protesters Rally for Palestine at London School of Economics

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Protesters rallied in support of Palestinians and student demonstrators at the London School of Economics on Monday, June 17, following a legal battle with the university over an encampment set up in an administration building.The school initiated legal action earlier in June to force a group of student protesters to leave a building atrium where they had established an encampment starting in mid-May, the BBC reported. A judge issued an interim possession order following a hearing at the Central London County Court this week, giving the students 24 hours to leave once the order is served, the outlet reported.Student protesters called for a rally on Monday, asking others to “stand in solidarity with the students of the LSE Liberated Zone as they face forced eviction from the school administration.”Video captured by Lukas Slothuus shows a crowd of protesters chanting and holding signs with pro-Palestinian messages. Credit: Lukas Slothuus via Storyful
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