Animation Shows Legs of Flight Transporting Julian Assange to Freedom From London to Canberra

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Animation from the Flightradar24 air traffic site shows the three legs of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange’s return to Australia as a free man from Monday, June 24, to Wednesday, June 26.The animation shows Assange flying from London to Bangkok first, and then from Bangkok to Saipan, one of the Northern Mariana Islands, a self-governing US territory in the western Pacific, on Tuesday, June 25.In Saipan, Assange pleaded guilty to one count of conspiring to unlawfully obtain and disseminate classified information in front of a US Federal Court and was then released with time served.On Wednesday, June 26, Assange flew from Saipan to Canberra, in Australia, as a free citizen. Credit: Flightradar24 via Storyful