'Sewage Water' Reported in Khan Yunis as Officials Warn of Spread of Infectious Diseases

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An accumulation of contaminated water was seen in Khan Yunis, Gaza, footage posted by Palestinian journalist Alaa Hamouda shows.Other footage posted by Hamouda shows a man at the scene who said he had returned to Khan Yunis after he was displaced to Rafah. He notes that the water smells and that children in the area of suffering due to insects.“The water here is mixed with sewage water,” he says, pointing to the water. Storyful has not independently confirmed whether sewage was present in the water.The UNRWA reported that the ability for sewage to be treated in Gaza has been “severely restricted” due to the war.The Palestinian Ministry of Health said that there has been a “significant surge in infectious diseases” among displaced people in Gaza.The health ministry cited “deteriorating sanitation and contaminated water sources” as contributing to the spread of infectious diseases in Gaza. Credit: Alaa Hamouda via Storyful