Paraplegic adventurer to sit-ski across the South Pole
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STORY: THIS STORY HAS BEEN REFILED TO ADJUST 'SKIT' TO 'SKI' IN THE HEADLINE.This paraplegic adventurer will attempt to seta new record by sit-skiing across the South Pole in hopes of raising over $380,000for spinal cord injury research(Darren Edwards, Paraplegic adventurer)“The biggest challenge for me in particular, so as somebody with a spinal cord injury, is there are a lot of unanswered questions and there's a lot of uncertainty in terms of how the body will react.”Edwards became paralyzed from thechest down in 2016 after a rock climbing accidentHe will rely on his upper body to movehim 207 miles across the South PoleEDWARDS: "You know, had this been done before, there would be a blueprint, there would be a rule book that we can follow and an indication as to how, in sub-zero temperatures, not being able to feel and move beneath your chest which is the case for me. // Obviously, I'm relying entirely on my shoulders and my arms to do the hard work but there's the risk of frostbite, there is a risk of cold weather injuries that I may not know I'm developing because of my impaired sense of feeling, and yeah, there's a lot of stuff that we can't answer until we get there.”Edwards' expedition is set to begin in December 2024EDWARDS: “I'm not one for just trying to get a record for a record's sake, but I'm definitely someone who is passionate about showing what is possible and pushing the line even further.”