'Whack Him, Girl!' 8-Year-Old Baller Dribbles on Treadmill While Challenged by Little Sister

An eight-year-old basketball enthusiast was filmed practicing his dribbling on a treadmill at his home in Georgia, while his little sister repeatedly bopped him with a padded blocking guard.Video shot by mom Jaclyn Vozniak demonstrates eight-year-old Zeke’s laser-like focus as he dribbles on a moving treadmill in the family home in Augusta, Georgia.Behind him, his six-year-old sister Bahara can be seen gently hitting him with a blocking guard in an attempt to “distract him from his dribbling.”“She is a sweet and tough personal trainer for her big brother!” Vozniak told Storyful. “She wants him to be the best basketball player ever so that’s why she helps him out with his basketball training and workouts.”Vozniak said that Zeke describes his sister as being “the best little personal trainer and best friend.”Zeke’s dribbling videos also include a treadmill obstacle course created by his cousin. Credit: Jaclyn Vozniak via Storyful
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