Learning How to Make Jewelry w/ Mr. Kate (Beauty Trippin)

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! You know who we’re thankful for this year? (Besides YOU, of course!) The one & only MR. KATE! Not only is she the DIY queen of YouTube (...remember when she gave Jos an apartment makeover??) but she designs her own handmade jewelry too! After years of bringing her to us, we finally visit THE Mr. Kate studio (seriously, how have we not been here yet?!) to get a tutorial on how to design, wax carve, and mold our own custom rings! It’s a Beauty Trippin' science lesson and arts & crafts day all rolled into one – and we learned SO much! Who knew so much hard work and detail went into our favorite fashion accessories? Have you ever crafted your own DIY jewelry?? What should we learn how to make next?! Talk to us in the comments (and then go eat LOTS of turkey)!
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