Newly released images from Maxar Technologies show extensive damage to buildings and infrastructure in Bakhmut as Ukrainian troops battle to retake control of the eastern Ukrainian city.Maxar released imagery from May 8, 2022, and contrasted it with images captured on May 15, 2023, to show damage in the eastern Donbas city.“Across the city, rows of apartment buildings, schools, stores, and other infrastructure have been reduced to smoldering rubble, and parts of the city that had been lined with trees and parks a year ago are now completely stripped of all vegetation,” Maxar wrote in a press release.Ukrainian Deputy Defense Minister Hanna Maliar
said on May 17 that the Ukrainian military continued to make gains around the city, still holding 20 square kilometers of land that it retook from Russian forces. Maliar said Russian troops were advancing somewhat within the city, where fierce fighting continues. Credit: Maxar Technologies via Storyful