11 Vulnerable Penguin Chicks Hatch at English Zoo

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Eleven vulnerable penguin chicks hatched at a zoo in England, footage released on Thursday, May 30, shows.Footage captured by the Chester Zoo in Chester, England, shows the 11 young Humboldt penguin chicks, who hatched between April 11 and April 18. The zoo said that this is the highest number of penguin chicks to hatch during “hatching season” at Chester Zoo in over 10 years.The chicks are named after plants this year, with Nettle, Thistle, Dandelion, Tulip, Daffodil, and others joining the creche. Zookeepers said that each of the chicks has been nurtured beyond the first 40 days of life.“We’re delighted to say that all of the chicks are looking really healthy, and the parents have done a superb job of caring for their new arrivals up to this point,” said Zoe Sweetman, Team Manager of Parrots and Penguins at Chester Zoo.According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), Humboldt penguins, which are native to the coasts of Chile and Peru, are classified as vulnerable. Credit: Chester Zoo via Storyful