Chinese superfan rejoices as Messi visits Beijing

STORY: This Messi superfan says every match he plays is ‘precious’ Location: Beijing, ChinaZhang Jiao traveled from Shanghai to Beijing to join other giddy Messi fansas the Argentina captain comes to town to play a friendly against Australia"For Messi fans, you really have to cherish the remaining time, because it might really be one less opportunity to watch him with every game he plays. So why should I come to Beijing this time? It is just a friendly game, so there is not much competitive value in it. So why do I want to come? But I hope, if there is any opportunity to come here, to see him in a game, is valuable, precious, because you know there are not that many left."Zhang has watched hundreds of Messi's matches on TVShe traveled to the last three World Cups to see him playand watched all seven of his matches from the stands in Qatar in 2022"After all, one day he will retire, and I can only say that on that day, I can only slowly think back to his long years of playing soccer, which brought me so much happiness, so many happy moments, I will be especially grateful to him."