London Zoo Names Three Asiatic Lion Cubs

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Three adorable Asiatic lion cubs born in March to parents Arya and Bhanu at London Zoo have been named just in time for Father’s Day.The mames for the 13-week old cubs – Mali (male), Syanii (male) and Shanti (female) – were carefully selected from submissions sent in by schoolchildren across the UK, the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) said in a press statement.“The feisty trio grow from strength to strength, each developing distinct personalities,” the charity said, adding that the cubs have recently been delighting visitors by practicing their roars, currently a loud mewing sound.Footage released by the ZSL shows the fuzzy cubs frolicking in their sunny enclosure, with their mother, Arya.“The addition of these three lion cubs to Bhanu and Arya’s family is hugely exciting for all of us at the zoo and a great conservation achievement,” lion keeper Martin O’Sullivan said.“Asiatic lions are an endangered species in the wild, with population numbers thought to be around 600-700, so three new lion cubs are a critical step toward building a strong reserve population to protect the species." Credit: Zoological Society of London via Storyful