Diver Helps Spider Crab Tangled in Fishing Line Off Victoria Coast

A diver in Victoria gave a helping hand to a spider crab tangled up in fishing line recently, footage posted to Instagram shows.Victoria diver and keen photographer Jules Casey often posts footage of what she sees below the waves at Port Phillip Bay.One of her most recent videos, posted on May 7, shows her freeing the crab from the fishing wire and squid jig it had become caught up in at Blairgowrie.Casey wrote in the post that she filmed the encounter to “show the impact of what happens when a fishing line breaks & your jig & line are lost”.“I had difficulty cutting the line because the crab kept holding on to my line cutter. Eventually the jig & all the line was removed. I sent this happy crab on its way,” Casey wrote. “I was thrilled to see it turn around to give me a hug.”She added that she collected all the discarded line and took it with her.Casey’s work documents interesting marine life, as well as dangers posed to underwater creatures by pollution, and she regularly posts updates to her OneBreathDiver Instagram account, where she has over 90,000 followers.
. Credit: Jules Casey via Storyful
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