Whale watchers in Monterey Bay, California, spotted a possibly leucistic orca nicknamed Frosty swimming off the coast on Sunday, November 24.Footage from Evan Brodsky of Monterey Bay Whale Watch shows the white orca,
identified by the California Killer Whale Project as CA216C1, traveling with its mom and peers.Brodsky
said that the young orca was better known as Frosty because of its white complexion, which he said was the possible result of leucism or Chediak-Higashi Syndrome.“The other previous two whales that have been confirmed to have this Chediak Higashi syndrome didn’t survive past the age of five,” he said. “So it’s always a true gift and celebration anytime anyone on the west coast sees Frosty.” Credit: Evan Brodsky/Monterey Bay Whale Watch via Storyful