'Ultimate Test of Endurance': Runners Beat 100-Mile Antarctica Ultra Race World Record

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Two American runners beat a world record by over an hour during a 100-mile ultra race in Antarctica that began on Thursday, November 7, according to reports.Fifteen people participated in the competition, with the option to run either 100 miles, 100 kilometers, or 50 miles, on a 4.2-km loop around the Ultima Basecamp.Americans Paul Johnston and Roberto Sembiante ran the race in 23 hours, 22 minutes, and 57 seconds, according to organizers.This footage was shot by Dave Painter, who described the race as the “ultimate test of endurance” that “pushed athletes to their limits in one of the most extreme environments on Earth,” with summer temperatures reportedly soaring to a not-so-balmy -13 degrees Fahrenheit (-25 Celsius).It was not clear in statements about the event who held the record before. Credit: Dave Painter via Storyful