An Asiatic black bear rescued from a zoo in east Ukraine
is set to be adopted by the Five Sisters Zoo in Scotland early next year.Named after the
village he was rescued from, Yampil will arrive in his new home next year, the zoo said.According to the adopting zoo, “heavy shelling destroyed much of his previous home and when he was rescued, he is believed to have been one of the only animals left alive.”Footage from the Oudsbergen Natuurhulpcentrum, an animal aid center in Belgium where the bear is set to stay until he moves to the Five Sisters Zoo, shows Yampil enjoying the pool in his enclosure.The Oudsbergen Natuurhulpcentrum wrote: “It didn’t take long for Yampil to make extensive use of his new luxury. From hell to heaven, or how the life of a bear can totally change in a short time.” Credit: Oudsbergen Natuurhulpcentrum via Storyful