Fluffy Bears Use Frozen Pond as Giant Popsicle

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Adorable Syrian brown bears were recently seen making the most of a frozen pond in their enclosure at an animal sanctuary in Otisville, New York, with one bear lazily licking the icy surface.Footage from Orphaned Wildlife Center shows two bears, Jenny and Amy, enjoying the ice.While Jenny chose to lie on top of the ice, pawing and licking it, Amy took a surprisingly stable stroll.The center wrote, for “those of you wondering, bears rarely have any trouble with cold … they love the cold, as you can see here.”Founded by Jim Kowalczik, Susan Kowalczik, and Kerry Clair in 2015, the Orphaned Wildlife Center nurtures its animal residents, in the hope they can be returned to the wild.The center often shares videos and updates about the animals in its care to its YouTube channel and Facebook page. Credit: Orphaned Wildlife Center via Storyful