A pair of kayakers were spotted navigating giant ice pancakes on Lake Michigan on Monday, February 3, amid
unseasonably mild temperatures in the region.Nathan Voytovick, of Nate’s Dronography, captured this video on Monday off the shore of Saint Joseph, Michigan.The
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration describes ice pancakes as “circular flat pieces of ice with a raised rim,” with the shape forming due to “repeated collisions.”Voytovick told Storyful temperatures at the time were in the 30s and the ice shelf was breaking, leaving “floating icebergs everywhere.”He also described Lake Michigan as being “smooth as glass.”According to the
National Weather Service, Monday’s temperatures were “unseasonably mild,” with highs in the 50s. The weather service expected a cold front to move through the region, bringing cooler temperatures through Wednesday night. Credit: Nate’s Dronography via Storyful