Vibrant Colors on Display at Colombian City's Carnival Parade

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The streets of Pasto, in Colombia, transformed on January 6 into a dazzling display of color and artistry as more than 25 floats joined the finale of the UNESCO-recognized Carnaval de Negros y Blancos, or Carnival of Blacks and Whites.The floats vied for honors across various competition categories. Leonardo Zamara’s “La Voragine” (or, “The Vortex”) claimed first place overall, with the float commemorating the 100th anniversary of the publication of Jose Eustasio Rivera’s classic novel of the same name, local news reported.Celebrating the fusion of indigenous, African, and Spanish traditions, the carnival features parades, music, and artistic works across several days, according to its organizers. Credit: Alcaldia de Pasto via Storyful