

想要建國不妨預先草擬人權宣言與制定新憲法,維吉尼亞是個範例。1776年6月12日維吉尼亞制憲會議(Constitutional Convention)在威廉斯堡召開,通過《維吉尼亞權利宣言》(Virginia Declaration of Rights),29日再通過《維吉尼亞憲法》。相對之下,北美十三州大陸會議遲至7月14日才通過美國《獨立宣言》。其實早在1765年5月維吉尼亞第五屆革命會議(Revolutionary Convention)就已決議脫離英國獨立,規劃新政府與新憲法。 《維吉尼亞權利宣言》揭舉天賦的生命權與自由權、財產權以及人民擁有追求與獲致幸福與安全的權利(第一條)。宣言把政府當作人民的僕人(第二條),明揭人民抵抗不勝任的政府的革命權(第三條),主張行政與立法、私法三權分立(第五條),也主張陪審團與建立民兵(第十一與第十三條)。1830年這份宣言併入《維吉尼亞憲法》,作為其第一條。但是宣言也有其不足之處,例如排除黑奴也應該享有人權,未承諾言論與集會自由,也未提及人民向政府請願的權利與禁止軍隊住宿民宅。 喬治‧梅森(George Mason)是這篇宣言的主筆,貢獻十條條文。他深受英國洛克的自然權利思想影響,並以1689年《權利清單》為基礎鋪陳公民權,但是反對英國國會兩院特權階級享有世襲官位(第四條)。梅森也反對奴隸制度,可惜未獲得制憲會議支持。這個議題後來導致美國南北戰爭以及1861年西維吉尼亞州脫離維吉尼亞州(違背第十四條)。 《宣言》第一條為了爭取奴隸主支持,乃把人人生而平等的原則削弱為人人天性同樣自由與獨立(by nature equally free and independent),並且插入「當他們進入社會時」(enter into a state of society)以便排除黑奴享有人權,因為黑奴不被視為白人掌控的文明社會之成員。這也連帶著排除婦女與印地安土著。 美國各州憲法大都在1776到1789年間制定的,常奉《維吉尼亞權利宣言》為範本。這篇宣言深深影響美國稍後發表的《獨立宣言》與1791年《權利清單》以及法國1789與1793年宣布的《人權與公民權宣言》。 ******************************** 《維吉尼亞權利宣言》全文 維吉尼亞善良人民的代表,在其全體且自由的會議上制定一篇權利宣言;宣言中所列權利屬於他們與其後裔,作為成立政府的基礎。 A DECLARATION OF RIGHTS made by the representatives of the good people of Virginia, assembled in full and free convention which rights do pertain to them and their posterity, as the basis and foundation of government . 第一條(生命與自由、財產、追求幸福與安全的權利) 人人天性都是同樣自由與獨立的,並且享有某些天賦權利。有些權利是當他們進入社會時不因任何契約而剝奪其後裔享有的,此即藉著獲取與擁有財產、追求與獲致幸福與安全的手段來享受生命與自由的權利。 Section 1. That all men are by nature equally free and independent, and have certain inherent rights, of which, when they enter into a state of society, they cannot, by any compact, deprive or divest their posterity; namely, the enjoyment of life and liberty, with the means of acquiring and possessing property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety. 第二條(權力來自人民,官員是公僕) 所有權力都屬於人民,因而也來自人民;長官是他們的受託人兼僕人,無論何時都應服從他們。 Section 2. That all power is vested in, and consequently derived from, the people; that magistrates are their trustees and servants, and at all times amenable to them. 第三條(政府為人民存在,人民享有革命權) 政府是為了或者應當是為了人民、國家或社會的共同利益、保障和安全而設立的;在所有各種形式的政府當中,最好的政府是能夠提供最大幸福和安全的政府,能夠最有效防止弊政危險的政府。當發現任何政府不適合或違反這些宗旨時,社會大多數人享有不容置疑、不可剝奪和不能取消的權利,得以公認最有助於大眾利益的方式,改革或變換、廢黜政府。 Section 3. That government is, or ought to be, instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security of the people, nation, or community; of all the various modes and forms of government that is best, which is capable of producing the greatest degree of happiness and safety and is most effectually secured against the danger of maladministration; and that, whenever any government shall be found inadequate or contrary to these purposes, a majority of the community hath an indubitable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to reform, alter, or abolish it, in such manner as shall be judged most conducive to the public weal. 第四條(公職不得世襲) 除非為了服務公眾,任何個人或一群人都無權自社會得到獨佔的或單獨的報酬或特權;公務職位不能相傳,行政官、立法者與法官等職不應世襲。 Section 4. That no man, or set of men, are entitled to exclusive or separate emoluments or privileges from the community, but in consideration of public services; which, not being descendible, neither ought the offices of magistrate, legislator, or judge to be hereditary. 第五條(三權分立) 州的立法權和行政權應與司法分立,並應有明確界限。前兩者的成員如能感受並分擔人民的疾苦,就不致於壓迫人民;他們應在規定期限內,恢復平民身份,回到他們原來的單位,其空缺則通過經常的、確定的、定期的選舉來填補;在選舉中,將按照法律規定,確定以前的所有成員或部分成員是否仍符合條件。 Section 5. That the legislative and executive powers of the state should be separate and distinct from the judicative; and, that the members of the two first may be restrained from oppression by feeling and participating the burthens of the people, they should, at fixed periods, be reduced to a private station, return into that body from which they were originally taken, and the vacancies be supplied by frequent, certain, and regular elections in which all, or any part of the former members, to be again eligible, or ineligible, as the laws shall direct. 第六條(定期自由選舉) 遴選議會人民代表的各項選舉,均應自由進行;舉凡能夠證明與本社會有永久性共同利害關係並屬於本社會的人都享有選舉權;未經其本人同意,或其選出的代表同意,不能對其徵稅,或剝奪其財產以供公眾使用;也不受任何未經他們為公益而以同樣方式同意的法律的約束。 Section 6. That elections of members to serve as representatives of the people in assembly ought to be free; and that all men, having sufficient evidence of permanent common interest with, and attachment to, the community have the right of suffrage and cannot be taxed or deprived of their property for public uses without their own consent or that of their representatives so elected, nor bound by any law to which they have not, in like manner, assented, for the public good. 第七條(官員未獲人民同意不得中止或執行法律) 任何當局未經人民代表同意而中止法律或執行法律,其與此有關的所有權力都有損於人民的權利,均不得行使。 Section 7. That all power of suspending laws, or the execution of laws, by any authority without consent of the representatives of the people is injurious to their rights and ought not to be exercised. 第八條(人們有權了解刑事訴訟,陪審團判罪) 在所有可判死刑案件或刑事訴訟中,人們有權要求知道對其起訴的理由和性質,有權與起訴人和證人對質,要求查證對其有利的證據,並有權要求由來自其鄰近地區的公正陪審團進行迅速審理;未經陪審團的一致同意,不能確認他有罪,也不能強迫他自證其罪;除非根據當地法律或由與其地位相同的公民所組的陪審團裁決,不得剝奪任何人的自由。 Section 8. That in all capital or criminal prosecutions a man hath a right to demand the cause and nature of his accusation to be confronted with the accusers and witnesses, to call for evidence in his favor, and to a speedy trial by an impartial jury of his vicinage, without whose unanimous consent he cannot be found guilty, nor can he be compelled to give evidence against himself; that no man be deprived of his liberty except by the law of the land or the judgment of his peers. 第九條(保釋金與罰金、刑罰不得過重) 不得要求繳交過量的保釋金或判處過重的罰金,也不得判處殘酷而非同尋常的刑罰。 Section 9. That excessive bail ought not to be required, nor excessive fines imposed; nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. 第十條(不得任意簽發搜捕令) 對官員或執令人員簽發一般搜捕令,使其在沒有獲得所犯事實的證據時,即行搜查可疑地點,或拘捕未經指名或其罪行未經闡明且無實據足以佐證的人;這種搜捕令實屬不可容忍並且是壓制性的,絕對不應簽發。 Section 10. That general warrants, whereby any officer or messenger may be commanded to search suspected places without evidence of a fact committed, or to seize any person or persons not named, or whose offense is not particularly described and supported by evidence, are grievous and oppressive and ought not be granted. 第十一條(陪審團裁定訴訟案件) 在財產糾紛與人和人之間的訴訟案件中由陪審團進行裁定,這一古老的審判程序比任何其它程序均為可取、應予以保持並視為神聖不可侵犯。 Section 11. That in controversies respecting property and in suits between man and man, the ancient trial by jury is preferable to any other and ought to be held sacred. 第十二條(出版自由不得限制) 出版自由乃自由的重要保障之一,絕不能加以限制;只有專制政體才會限制這種自由。 Section 11. That the freedom of the press is one of the greatest bulwarks of liberty and can never be restrained but by despotic governments. 第十三條(自由州成立民兵,文官領軍) 由受過軍事訓練的人民組成管理得當的民兵,乃自由州的妥善、自然而安全的保障。在和平時期,常備軍會危及自由,應避免設置。在任何情況下,軍隊都應嚴格服從文職權力,並受其統率。 Section 13. That a well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state; that standing armies, in time of peace, should be avoided as dangerous to liberty; and that, in all cases, the military should be under strict subordination to, and governed by, the civil power. 第十四條(政府唯一) 人民享有統一的政府的權利。因此,在維吉尼亞境內,不得另行成立分離或獨立的政府。 Section 14. That the people have a right to uniform government; and therefore, that no government separate from, or independent of, the government of Virginia, ought to be erected or established within the limits thereof. 第十五條(堅持優良品德) 必須堅持公正與適中、節制、勤儉、優良品德,經常謹守各項基本原則,否則任何人民都不能保有自由的政府,也無法享有上蒼所賜的自由。 Section 15. That no free government, or the blessings of liberty, can be preserved to any people but by a firm adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, frugality, and virtue and by frequent recurrence to fundamental principles. 第十六條(宗教信仰自由) 宗教,或是我們對創世主負有的責任與盡此責任的方式,只能藉著理智與信念加以指引,不能藉助強力或暴行。因此,任何人都有按照良知指示,自由信仰宗教的平等權利。人人都有以基督的克制與博愛、慈善互相對待的相互責任。 Section 15. That religion, or the duty which we owe to our Creator and the manner of discharging it, can be directed only by reason and conviction, not by force or violence; and therefore, all men are equally entitled to the free exercise of religion, according to the dictates of conscience; and that it is the mutual duty of all to practice Christian forbearance, love, and charity towards each other. -喬治‧梅森撰寫,維吉尼亞制憲會議通過,1776年6月12日