怒了!打臉哈利波特作者 奧運籌備會+國際奧會發表中英文千字聯合聲明


台灣拳后林郁婷出戰巴黎奧運,近期遭著名小說《哈利波特》作者J.K.羅琳(J.K. Rowling)、外媒等單位發文質疑是跨性別選手,林郁婷成了他國瘋狂攻擊的對象,今(2日)。巴黎奧運籌備會與國際奧會(IOC)發表了千字的中英文聲明,強調參賽奧運的選手皆符合規定。




這些規則也適用於資格賽期間,包括 2023 年歐洲運動會、亞洲運動會、泛美運動會和太平洋運動會的拳擊比賽、在達卡 (塞內加爾) 舉行的 2023 年臨時非洲資格賽以及 2024 年在 Busto Arsizio (義大利) 和曼谷 (泰國) 舉行的兩項世界資格賽,這些比賽共有來自 172 個國家奧會 (NOC)、拳擊難民隊和個人中立運動員身份的 1,471 名不同拳擊手參加,並進行了 2,000 多場資格賽。


我們在報導中看到有關兩名女性運動員參加2024年巴黎奧運會的誤導性資訊。這兩位運動員多年來一直參加國際拳擊女子比賽,包括 2020 東京奧運會、國際拳擊總會的世界錦標賽和不被 IBA 認可的比賽。

這兩名運動員是IBA突然做出的武斷決定的受害者。在 2023 年 IBA 世界錦標賽接近尾聲時,他們突然在沒有任何正當程序的情況下被取消資格。






國際奧會在 2019 年暫停對IBA的承認後,於 2023 年正式撤銷了對 IBA 的認可。國際運動仲裁法庭 (CAS) 也確認了此撤銷承認。請參閱國際奧會在裁決後發表的聲明。



Every person has the right to practise sport without discrimination.

All athletes participating in the boxing tournament of the Olympic Games Paris 2024 comply with the competition’s eligibility and entry regulations, as well as all applicable medical regulations set by the Paris 2024 Boxing Unit (PBU) (please find all applicable rules here). As with previous Olympic boxing competitions, the gender and age of the athletes are based on their passport.

These rules also applied during the qualification period, including the boxing tournaments of the 2023 European Games, Asian Games, Pan American Games and Pacific Games, the ad hoc 2023 African qualifying tournament in Dakar (SEN) and two world qualifying tournaments held in Busto Arsizio (ITA) and Bangkok (THA) in 2024, which involved a total of 1,471 different boxers from 172 National Olympic Committees (NOCs), the Boxing Refugee Team and Individual Neutral Athletes, and featured over 2,000 qualification bouts.

The PBU used the Tokyo 2020 boxing rules as a baseline to develop its regulations for Paris 2024. This was to minimise the impact on athletes’ preparations and guarantee consistency between Olympic Games. These Tokyo 2020 rules were based on the post-Rio 2016 rules, which were in place before the suspension of the boxing International Federation by the IOC in 2019 and the subsequent withdrawal of its recognition in 2023.

We have seen in reports misleading information about two female athletes competing at the Olympic Games Paris 2024. The two athletes have been competing in international boxing competitions for many years in the women’s category, including the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, International Boxing Association (IBA) World Championships and IBA-sanctioned tournaments.

These two athletes were the victims of a sudden and arbitrary decision by the IBA. Towards the end of the IBA World Championships in 2023, they were suddenly disqualified without any due process.

According to the IBA minutes available on their website, this decision was initially taken solely by the IBA Secretary General and CEO. The IBA Board only ratified it afterwards and only subsequently requested that a procedure to follow in similar cases in the future be established and reflected in the IBA Regulations.

The minutes also say that the IBA should “establish a clear procedure on gender testing”.

The current aggression against these two athletes is based entirely on this arbitrary decision, which was taken without any proper procedure – especially considering that these athletes had been competing in top-level competition for many years.

Such an approach is contrary to good governance.

Eligibility rules should not be changed during ongoing competition, and any rule change must follow appropriate processes and should be based on scientific evidence.

The IOC is committed to protecting the human rights of all athletes participating in the Olympic Games as per the Olympic Charter, the IOC Code of Ethics and the IOC Strategic Framework on Human Rights.

The IOC is saddened by the abuse that the two athletes are currently receiving.

The IBA’s recognition was withdrawn by the IOC in 2023 following its suspension in 2019. The withdrawal of recognition was confirmed by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS). See the IOC’s statement following the ruling.

The IOC has made it clear that it needs National Boxing Federations to reach a consensus around a new International Federation in order for boxing to be included on the sports programme of the Olympic Games LA28.

有「它」陪睡較安心 「跆拳道甜心」羅嘉翎出征奧運利器竟是「熊抱哥」
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