黃國昌英文致詞「告洋狀」! 高喊與賴清德政權「戰到底」

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即時中心/林耿郁報導台灣民眾黨今日下午在台北市自由廣場,舉辦「1.11釘孤支」活動,現場喊出12萬民眾到場聲援,網紅「館長」陳之漢與藍營立、縣市長也到場助陣;代理主席黃國昌在壓軸致詞時,痛批民進黨破壞台灣民主法治,威權體制正在復甦,不僅用英文向全世界「告洋狀」,更揚言要與賴清德獨裁威權體制「宣戰」到底!民眾黨代理主席黃國昌,在今天的「1.11釘孤支」活動壓軸致詞,首先他痛批民進黨,過去的黨主席、後來的總統蔡英文,曾公開承諾要取消《集會遊行法》,但到了今天法令依舊在;但是即使民進黨已經變成過去他們自己「最討厭的模樣」,但是台灣人民從來不會害怕。針對今日民進黨的威權、獨裁,以及把司法檢調當成政治追殺的工具,黃國昌相信,今天自由廣場上面團結一致的台灣人,就是在清楚告訴民進黨、告訴賴清德「我們會不會怕?不會!」黃國昌高喊,「今天就是向賴清德獨裁威權體制宣戰的時刻!」話鋒一轉,黃國昌表示,在柯文哲日前短暫獲釋的幾天中,自己曾與柯文哲長談2個多小時,但柯文哲在意的是台灣民眾黨與第三勢力,以及台灣未來十年的政治發展,對自己的案件隻字未提;對此他認為自己「沒有看錯人」,希望支持者繼續支持民眾黨、柯文哲。最後黃國昌改以英文致詞,以此讓國際友人知道民眾黨的訴求;他批評賴清德上任以來,濫用檢察權對付政治對手,藉此鞏固他對台灣的絕對控制。「台灣正在面歷威權政權的復甦。」因此呼籲國際上的朋友,一起為台灣民主與法治站出來。「NO Justice,No Peace!(沒有正義,沒有和平)」 黃國昌帶著支持者高喊口號,並表示未來在追求台灣司法獨立的道路上,民眾黨一定站在最前面,陪所有台灣人戰到最後,把屬於台灣的民主法治奪回來,謝謝大家!快新聞/黃國昌英文致詞「告洋狀」! 高喊與賴清德政權「戰到底」民眾黨公職高喊口號,呼籲賴清德放人。(圖/民眾黨提供)英文致詞內容全文如下:Dear international friends,Today we stand here, hand in hand, to call for restoration of judicial justice and preservation of Taiwan’s democracy. What happened for the past several months indicates the serious setback of judicial independence and the harm it causes to our democracy. Ever since President Lai-Ching-Te took office, he abuses the prosecution power to go after his campaign opponent, Dr. Ko Wen-je, also the leader of Taiwan’s third political party. The purpose of Lai’s political prosecution is crystally clear: to eliminate any resistance to his desire for absolute control of this country. To satisfy President Lai’s desire, the prosecution office jailed Dr. Ko Wen-je for more than four months, and indicted Dr. Ko even without sufficient evidence. Most outrageously, the prosecutor forced Dr. Ko to resign his chairmanship of Taiwan People’s Party. Most Taiwanese people are angry about such blatant abuse of power. And more importantly, Taiwan’s democracy is being greatly undermined by the weaponization of judicial branch. Any voice that challenges the ruling party risks being suppressed, prosecuted, and even sent to jail. Taiwan is undergoing the resurgence of an authoritarian regime.Today’s action demonstrates our determination to protect Taiwan’s democracy and rule of law. We call for your attention and support for this very important purpose.《民視新聞網》提醒您:「任何人在依法被判決有罪確定前,均應推定為無罪」原文出處:快新聞/黃國昌英文致詞「告洋狀」! 高喊與賴清德政權「戰到底」

藍白議員父子「釘孤枝挺柯」 陳世軒:阿北送我的書上有北所編號
