奧運》中華奧會聲明力挺林郁婷 主席林鴻道:太優秀被不實指控


林郁婷性別爭議問題被老調重彈,不僅IOC(Internationl Olympic Committe,國際奧林匹克委員會)與德國籍主席Thomas Bach力挺選手清白,中華奧林匹克委員會也發中英聲明強烈譴責惡意網路謾罵與人身攻擊,主席林鴻道更稱:「我想我們林郁婷太優秀了,所以其他國家運動員做不實指控。」




針對我國拳擊選手林郁婷的不實指控,中華台北代表團本日發布聲明表示,國際奧會日前發布的聲明已經很清楚: 所有參加2024巴黎奧運會拳擊比賽的運動員都符合比賽資格和參賽規定,並適用2024年巴黎奧運會籌備會拳擊工作小組(PBU)制定的所有醫療規定。 In response to the false allegations about Chinese Taipei boxer Lin Yu-Ting, the Chinese Taipei delegation states today that it is already clear in the recent IOC’s statement that “All athletes participating in the boxing tournament of the Olympic Games Paris 2024 comply with the competition’s eligibility and entry regulations, as well as all applicable medical regulations set by the Paris 2024 Boxing Unit.”

林郁婷選手參加57公斤量級的拳擊比賽,並一直全力準備中。中華台北代表團堅定的與選手站在一起並全力支持。代表團強烈譴責惡意的網路謾罵與人身攻擊,並呼籲此類行為應立即停止。 Lin Yu-ting is competing in the 57kg category, and has been fully immersed in preparing for her competition. The delegation stands firmly by the athlete with full support. Chinese Taipei Delegation strongly condemns the malicious online abuse and personal attacks and calls for an immediate stop on those behaviors.

林郁婷在準備巴黎奧運期間,參加了多項國際拳擊賽事,並憑藉在杭州亞運中的出色表現,奪得金牌,成功獲得巴黎奧運參賽資格。 During Lin Yu-Ting’s preparation for Paris 2024, she participated in various international boxing competitions. With her outstanding performance at the Hangzhou Asian Games, she won the gold medal and successfully qualified for Paris Olympics.

林郁婷將以實力和毅力爭取榮耀。中華台北代表團期待她的精彩表現。也將在她的奧運之路上持續為她加油。 Lin Yu-ting will strive for glory with her strength and determination. The Chinese Taipei Delegation looks forward to her outstanding performance and will cheer her on along her Olympic Journey.

奧運棒球銀牌30周年/獎金論功行賞鬧爭議 李來發澄清未拿全額550萬元(中)
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