遭批不專心打球 勇士Green:我的Podcast節目會繼續下去
勇士隊在總冠軍系列賽前三戰輸掉兩場,不少人將矛頭指向主戰前鋒格林(Draymond Green),平均每場出賽將近36分鐘的他,僅繳出5.0分6.7籃板5.0助攻的表現,而且投籃命中率是慘不忍睹的2成63,外線更是7投全落空。
糟糕的投籃表現,也讓他賽後固定開播的個人Podcast節目遭受越來越多批評,不少名嘴都認為格林應該更專注在比賽,柏金斯(Kendrick Perkins)就寫道:「比起總冠軍賽,格林似乎更用心準備賽後的Podcast節目,這只是我的觀察,不用理我…」
Look like Draymond was more prepped for his post game podcast than the actual game. Just an observation, never mind me tho. Carry on…
— Kendrick Perkins (@KendrickPerkins) June 9, 2022
傳奇球星湯瑪斯(Isiah Thomas)在第三戰賽後講評時也說道:「當你打了34分鐘,只繳出4籃板、3助攻和2分,這看來像是格林在小學比賽的數據,不應該是總冠軍賽…他似乎沒能專注在打倒對手上。」
"Where you play 34 minutes, you have 4 rebounds, 3 assists and 2 points. Draymond Green does that in a grade school game, not in the NBA Finals... He has lost focus in terms of concentrating on beating the opponent"
— Isiah Thomas on Draymond Green's performance in Game 3 pic.twitter.com/tf8EdEZnCu— 𝙏𝙖𝙡𝙠𝙞𝙣’ 𝙉𝘽𝘼 (@_Talkin_NBA) June 9, 2022
在第三戰賽後記者會上,Bleacher Report網站記者費雪(Jake Fischer)當面詢問格林是否在Podcast節目上洩漏太多比賽策略,反而幫了塞爾提克一把,例如如何防守懷特(Derrick White)、史瑪特(Marcus Smart)和霍佛(Al Horford)。格林回應道:「喔,我只是在講必須積極干擾他們的投籃…如果這就是你認為的比賽策略,那就隨便你吧,我只能給你個Respect,很感謝你為我的Podcast節目宣傳,下次記得說出節目的全名『Draymond Green秀』。」
Draymond gets annoyed with reporter who asked if he was worried the Celtics were listening to his podcast for intel pic.twitter.com/JbIQzXIR9K
— gifdsports (@gifdsports) June 9, 2022
對於記者懷疑格林在節目上洩漏軍情,勇士隊總教練柯爾(Steve Kerr)對此回應道:「我沒在聽Podcast,所以不太清楚他到底說了什麼,但現在是2022年了,世界已經不一樣,球員本身就是媒體的一部份,事情就是這樣。」
“Y’all gone get this podcast. Win, lose, draw. Hoisting the trophy, putting my ring on my finger, you name it.”
Draymond Green goes off on the recent criticism of his podcast. pic.twitter.com/VAm8jNjdbc— Complex Sports (@ComplexSports) June 9, 2022
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