Grandmothers Discover Their Grandchildren's Names Are a Tribute to Them
Two grandmothers in Texas received a heartwarming surprise after finding out that their grandchildren were named after them.Mari Kidd’s video captures her mother and mother-in-law’s first-time reaction to the twins’ middle names displayed on their crib.One daughter, Mia Mona, is named after Mari’s mother Mona, and the other, Noah Bonnie, after her mother-in-law Bonnie.This moment was even more special as both grandmothers traveled great distances to meet the new family members. Mona came from Norway, while Bonnie traveled from Tennessee.“My husband and I have joked about having twins since we met in college 7 years ago,” she said. “Fast forward, 7 years later, here we are getting to name our twin girls after two incredible women – our moms.” Credit: Mari Kidd via Storyful