世.界.之•窗-Cook this page:IKEA的插圖食譜
工商時報【Nikki Lu】 閱讀暖身IKEA的家具組裝說明書向來比別家說明書簡單易懂,這一次加拿大IKEA推出"Cook This Page",教人「組裝料理」,顛覆我們對食譜的想像。進入本文前請想一想,這些單字英文怎麼說:A.精簡(使…效率更高) B.一串 C.灑 "IKEA is known for its modern furniture, innovative designs, and minimalist values, and nothing is a better example of those tendencies than the company's newest creation: a recipe you can LITERALLY follow step-by-step and put into the oven."-Brit + Co IKEA以現代家具、創新設計、極簡價值聞名,反映這些特性的最佳範例,莫過於它的最新作品:能按部就班「照做」,把食物送進烤箱的食譜。(Brit + Co報導) When cooking, many people run back and forth between preparing the ingredients and checking the recipe, over and over again. HuffPost Canada reports that "…an ad agency in Toronto has come up with a cool (1)hack to (A)streamline the process. As part of an advertising campaign last fall, Leo Burnett Toronto created interactive recipe cards on parchment paper that actually let you place the ingredients on top." 做菜時,許多人在準備食材與對照食譜間來回,如此一再重複。加拿大哈芬頓郵報報導,多倫多李奧貝納廣告公司想出了精簡過程的極佳方法,在烘培紙上創造可互動的食譜,讓人直接在食譜上備料。 "Each recipe resembles a paint by numbers sketch. Rather than list the ingredients as a long (B)string of text, you'll see circles in which you (C)sprinkle a tablespoon of salt or a half teaspoon of pepper, and outlines of proteins where you can place the salmon. All of this is drawn with food-safe ink on parchment paper, meaning that once you get your (2)mise en place set up, all you do is roll up the paper and toss the dish into the oven. About 20 minutes later, you'll have dinner on the table."-Fast Company 每份食譜就像數字著色圖,食材不是以一長串文字列出,而是一個個圓圈,要你在圓圈中灑入一茶匙的鹽或半茶匙胡椒,標示蛋白質的框框則可放入鮭魚。烘焙紙上的線條都由食品安全等級墨水印製,也就是說一旦準備就緒,只要把紙捲起,把於丟進烤箱,大約20分鐘後,晚餐就可開動了。(Fast Company報導) "They were handed out to IKEA customers as part of cooking events at several stores across Canada. But while all of them incorporated IKEA brand foods like the chain's Swedish meatballs and salmon fillets, we imagine you could use similar items."-HuffPost Canada 這些食譜在加拿大的IKEA裡發放,食譜都結合IKEA招牌食品如瑞典肉丸、鮭魚排,不過在食譜上使用類似食材應該不是問題。(加拿大哈芬頓郵報報導) 資料來源:Brit + Co, Fast Company, Huff Post 喔,原來這樣講才對! 「學英文也可以是一場震撼教育。」一個外商公司的總經理到世界公民上完第一次課以後這樣說。 這種震撼是因為以前講錯太多英文,自己完全不知道,已經錯了十幾年。 除掉英文裡的錯,就像擦掉眼鏡上的霧水。邀請您體驗一次英文的震撼教育,請上網www.core-corner.com登記,(台北)02-27215033、(新竹)03-5782199。