MLB/紅人海盜再爆發大亂鬥 賈瑞特一人單挑海盜全隊

Tensions rose to a boil during Tuesday's game between the Reds and Pirates in Cincinnati. Amir Garrett sparked a fracas by charging the Pirates' dugout and throwing a punch.
Tensions rose to a boil during Tuesday's game between the Reds and Pirates in Cincinnati. Amir Garrett sparked a fracas by charging the Pirates' dugout and throwing a punch.

紅人海盜今發生激烈肢體衝突,9局上兩出局後,紅人投手賈瑞特(Amir Garrett)與海盜休息區出現口角後,一人衝向休息區與大打出手,形成嚴重板凳清空衝突,一共五人遭驅逐出場。

賈瑞特解決紐曼(Kevin Newman)後疑似出現身體不適狀況,紅人也請求暫停由教練上投手丘關心,不過同時賈瑞特與海盜休息區出現口角,賈瑞特也不斷朝該方向碎念。


當場一共有五名球員被驅逐出場,紅人葛瑞特、普伊格(Yasiel Puig)遭驅逐,海盜則有三名球員,分別是投手亞徹(Chris Archer)、克里克(Kyle Crick)及捕手瑟維里(Francisco Cervelli)三人。