
Milwaukee Bucks’ Giannis Antetokounmpo, middle, gives high-fives to Sterling Brown (23) and Khris Middleton (22) during the first half of an NBA basketball game Sunday, April 7, 2019, in Milwaukee. (AP Photo/Aaron Gash)
Milwaukee Bucks’ Giannis Antetokounmpo, middle, gives high-fives to Sterling Brown (23) and Khris Middleton (22) during the first half of an NBA basketball game Sunday, April 7, 2019, in Milwaukee. (AP Photo/Aaron Gash)


鎖定全聯盟最佳戰績,是公鹿在1974年之後就不曾辦到的成就。但成為NBA分區的領頭羊,對Mike Budenholzer教練來說並不陌生。Budenholzer之前曾任馬刺助教,在Gregg Popovich身邊就曾經歷了三巨頭的輝煌。而在他來到公鹿前,執教老鷹時也曾領軍贏得60勝與東區第一種子。

只是那一次的季後賽之旅並不成功,當年老鷹在爭冠之路中倒在了LeBron James腳下,也讓Budenholzer苦於突破了好一陣子。而苦於突破的心情,近年來總是無法從季後賽第一輪中勝出的Giannis Antetokounmpo,可說同樣感同身受。因此如今天賦與統治力不下於當年LBJ的Antetokounmpo在與Budenholzer相遇後,兩人都已經準備好更在季後賽進一步。

Mike Budenholzer (Photo by Gary Dineen/NBAE via Getty Images)
Mike Budenholzer (Photo by Gary Dineen/NBAE via Getty Images)

Antetokounmpo在前教練Jason Kidd執教下,近幾年來的進步是有目共睹,但現在身處於Budenholzer的體系中,可說將他的破壞力提升到另一個層次,這首先反應在球隊的外線攻勢上。近日Antetokounmpo曾自信宣稱就算對手派出Rudy Gobert這樣年度最佳防守球員等級的禁區悍將,也難以阻擋自己在內線得到分數。本季希臘怪物有57.3%的出手是在離籃框3呎之內,而在這區域間的命中率則高達76.8%,與自己發出的宣言完美呼應。而透過他在禁區就吸引對手重點防守的注意力,就能讓隊友在三分線得到更多出手空間。

Budenholzer從來到密爾瓦基時,就已經想讓Antetokounmpo發揮這樣的作用,因此多名隊友都曾表示總教練不只一次地鼓勵大家勇於出手,球團也不斷在本季透過簽約與交易引進Brook Lopez、Ersan Illysaova、Nikola Mirotic等高砲塔,都是為了強化公鹿的外線。過去Budenholzer執教下的老鷹就是支極為重視外線的隊伍,如今公鹿可說以另一種形式重現當年的哲學。本季公鹿平均三分球出手38.1次命中13.5球,都是聯盟第2高,與上季的出手24.7次投進8.8球都在聯盟只名列第25、27名相比,皆已脫胎換骨,這也讓公鹿的進攻更加順暢。


Milwaukee Bucks’ Brook Lopez reacts after making a three-point basket during the second half of an NBA basketball game against the Los Angeles Clippers, Thursday, March 28, 2019, in Milwaukee. (AP Photo/Aaron Gash)
Milwaukee Bucks’ Brook Lopez reacts after making a three-point basket during the second half of an NBA basketball game against the Los Angeles Clippers, Thursday, March 28, 2019, in Milwaukee. (AP Photo/Aaron Gash)



「我感覺到其他球隊已經開始注意到我們,並了解我們不再是過去的公鹿。」從2013-2014年球季來到密爾瓦基,並與Antetokounmpo同隊最久的Khris Middleton說,「我們已經從上季脫胎換骨,我們今年是來真的,也準備好全力以赴了。」在攻守兩端有計畫地改造,公鹿也因此從上季的平凡球隊,蛻變為頂尖的強隊。而這也是主帥與主將都渴望突破的心靈重疊後,所收穫最美麗的果實。

Milwaukee Bucks’ Khris Middleton, right, reacts after making a three-point basket during the second half of an NBA basketball game against the Boston Celtics, Thursday, Feb. 21, 2019, in Milwaukee. (AP Photo/Aaron Gash)
Milwaukee Bucks’ Khris Middleton, right, reacts after making a three-point basket during the second half of an NBA basketball game against the Boston Celtics, Thursday, Feb. 21, 2019, in Milwaukee. (AP Photo/Aaron Gash)
